Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Essential Elements for Stable Civilizations: Stress Writ Large

See HERE for a bit more discussion on the real basis of the game mechanic.

In order for a society to continue to exist, it must first and foremost have unity of it's members.  If the elements of unity unravel, the society cannot continue no matter how large it's armies or how robust it's production capability.  This seems right off like a stress or condition track in Fate terms.  Mechanically, the following things must exist, must be capable of being eroded, and in doing so, must make the society weaker as they are lost.  Those basic elements of societal unity are:

1) Language
2) Race
3) Religion (or Worldview)
4) Culture
5) Social Structure
6) Strong Government

 Now these things in real terms fall on a continuum.  At what point in real life, does a society of 10,000 begin to fall apart because they can't communicate in the same language?  That is hard to say, and likely depends on many other factors.  As such, each of these elements is part of a condition track that folds into a stat kind of like a skill or approach similar to Resources or Contacts, that dovetails with stress.  Either the element is strong (and thus rated with a +1) or it is weak (rated with a +0).  The total of these conditions is the society Unity.

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